NRI is an internationally renowned, independent multi-disciplinary centre that undertakes research, consultancy and training to support sustainable development, economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. We are a specialised Institute of the University of Greenwich at its Medway Campus in Kent, England. The Institute currently has 75 scientific, academic and technical staff, working in a wide range of disciplines in the natural and social sciences, assisted by about 10 managerial and administrative support staff. Each year NRI staff undertake more than 500 professional overseas assignments in over 80 countries, mainly in the developing world or in transition economies, as consultants, researchers, advisors or educators.
NRI's associates provide additional expertise in a wide range of specialisms, working alongside our core staff on specific projects. NRI works in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders in resource development and management, from international and national development agencies and governments to community based organisations and small-to-medium enterprises. NRI plays a significant role in capacity building in developing countries.
NRI is organised in three operational departments: Livelihoods and Institutions; Food and Markets; and Agriculture, Health and Environment. The Institute is accredited to ISO 9001.
NRI role in FARMAF
The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) provides overall coordination and financial management of FARMAF. It is also responsible for the implementation of activities related to Warehouse Receipt Systems (WRS) and Commodity Exchange within FARMAF, and together with Tanzania's National Farmers' Organisation MVIWATA, for implementation of the project in Tanzania.
Visit NRI Website HERE
Contact: Gideon Onumah