
CPF (Confédération Paysanne du Faso) was created to represent the interests of different rural organisations in a single framework. CPF aims to defend the interests of its members, consisting of umbrella organisations, core organisations and agricultural producers. CPF represent about fifteen umbrella organisations, themselves made up of core organisations; 30,515 core organisations and approximately one million producers.

  • Federation of Agricultural Professionals of Faso (FEPAB) which itself comprises 40 provincial unions and 250, 000 members of producers.
  • Federation of Rural Women in Burkina.
  • National Federation of Young agricultural professionals in Faso.
  • Federation of Livestock Breeders of Burkina.
  • National Union of Cotton Producers in Burkina.
  • National Union of Rice producers in Burkina.
  • National Union of Seed producers in Burkina.
  • National Federation of Forest Management group Unions.
  • National Federation of Banana producers.

At regional level, CPF is a member of the Réseau des organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs Agricoles de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA).

The primary role of CPF is to represent and defend at national level the interests of its members. This function is ensured by the participation of CPF in various events and particularly its representation at Farmers' Days, days during which CPF displays an advocacy document.

CPF is also involved in the provision of technical and economical services to its producers members, particularly marketing support (grain exchange organisations, dissemination of information on prices), facilitating credit access and creating added value by promoting processing activities (animation training).

CPF is involved in the organisation of training sessions on topics of general interest. These activities are facilitated by the network of CPF, which has about twenty ''endogenous facilitors'' throughout the country.