The birth of Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et de Producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA) in 2000 was the culmination of a long process and an organisational effort within the farmers' movement in Western Africa. ROPPA's objective is to strengthen the capacities of African FOs to defend the interests of their members and to influence the policies linked to agriculture, rural development and food security.
- The establishment of an organisation representing Western African producers in 16 countries. Thanks to advocacy and lobbying activities implemented in favour of family farming, food sovereignty and solidary regional and international trade ROPPA, with the help of several partners, developed an offensive strategy allowing to positively influencing regional agricultural policies at all levels.
- ROPPA's national members. Overall, in the twelve countries of the ECOWAS progress has been achieved over the past ten years in the involvement of FOs in both the preparation of national policies and in the implementation of agricultural programs.