This month, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has launched its Africa Agriculture Status Report: Focus on Staple Crops 2013.
The report takes an in-depth look at staple crop value chains in 16 countries across the continent, from production through post-harvest handling, processing and marketing of commodities, to consumption. It takes into consideration domestic, regional and global markets, as well as the role of collective action as a tool in agricultural transformation, and the importance of an enabling policy environment. The aim of the status report is to have an ongoing data collection effort on key agriculture indicators that are tracked on a regular basis and reported in subsequent publications. NRI's Dr Gideon E. Onumah, FARMAF expert in the field of rural finance and marketing, has contributed to the report as the author of the chapter 'Transforming African Agriculture by Improving Output Markets' . To view the report, please click here.